This website is the 3rd or 4th one I started to talk about spirituality. I shut down each of the previous because of various forms of spiritual imposter syndrome.
I was so sure I was going to stick with this one…
I feel like a spiritual fraud again. A job loss and some related issues have got me feeling (yet again!): I am not enlightened myself, who am I to give advice to others??
I don’t know what the answer is. As I said in the Why do Gurus have so many scandals post:
While spiritual people like me are scared of putting ourselves out there because Boohoo I’m not good enough yet there are certain people, mainly narcissistic types, who have no problem shouting loudly how enlightened they are.
Which leads to a situation that the people talking most loudly about spirituality are the least qualified to talk about it.
But I also feel, and have always said, that we should fix our own shit before trying to help others. Put on your own oxygen mask before helping others, as they say.

So I am temporarily stepping back from this. The site will still remain online, but I won’t be updating it.
If you found any of the articles useful, you have my gratitude!